Glean from a treasure trove of parenting tips from Centre for Fathering’s expert community! These have been designed as simple reflective practices that will guide you to being a better mum, and increase the wellbeing of your children and family.

Your Marriage is the Key to Good Parenting
Do you still remember how you and your partner met for the first time? Do you remember your first date and how you could not wait to see each other

Positive Mental Health = Good Relationships at Home
It has been two years since the pandemic and as we moved into the endemic phase, floods of flashbacks came back with memories of circuit breaker and the evolving social

Your Child’s Meltdowns Don’t Have to Become Your Own
When my youngest child turned 4, we finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel of the much-feared “terrible twos” tantrum stage. When children are still unable to

Stop Asking, “How Was School Today?”
School offers children a wide range of experiences ranging educational to social. They are experiencing what it is like to be part of a larger group, to adapt to a

Conflict Management
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread globally and affected millions of people all over the world. Many families are placed under great pressure due to everyone having to stay home

Family Life of Parents with Special Needs Kids
Being the parents of 2 young ones, we understand that parenting, though it is both fulfilling and blissful, it naturally also comes with its own set of challenges as well

Raising siblings: How do I get my children to get along?
By Alvina Chin When she first met him after he entered the world, she planted a light kiss on his cheek. Reality only hit on his first night home with

Growing Together As A Strong Family
The pandemic has taught many of us a new lesson on adaptability & resilience as we went through a steep learning curve on living, working and even staying closely together

How To Build A Long Lasting Marriage
It is true that it would never be a smooth ride throughout the Marriage journey and facing some obstacles is definitely inevitable! Nevertheless, despite the challenges, most parts of marriage