In 2009, Singapore’s nation-wide fathering movement DADs for Life was founded to inspire and mobilise fathers to become more involved and a good influence to their children through ACT:
- Be Aware of the importance of a father’s role ̣
- Commit to be good fathers and role models to their children ̣
- Spend Time, acquire Tools and bring Transformation to lives
Centre for Fathering has been the driving force for the DADs for Life movement since 2015.
On Mother’s Day in 2019, DADs for Life partnered with a group of mother volunteers to launch a national ground-up movement – MUMs for Life to complement the work of DADs for Life. MUMs for Life celebrates a Mum’s identity as daughter, woman, wife and mother.
Mums and Dads play irreplaceable and complementary roles in parenting. MUMs for Life aims to help Mums become confident in their unique identity and multiple roles so that they can better nurture our children and support Dads in building a stronger family in an increasingly complex world.
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