Category Archives: Journeying with Mums Articles

Parenting is Like a Video Game

Parents know how addictive video games can be. Kids, particularly boys, prefer to spend hours playing them than doing other more important tasks, like homework and exercise. Apart from the dopamine rush that kids experience while gaming, there is another aspect of video games that is not often talked about, and it is something parents […]

Don’t Set Rules; Set Values

Teaching children good behaviour is our duty as parents. The most common method parents use to achieve this is setting rules and punishing children when they break them. However, there is a different and better way of achieving this.  To teach children to behave well, setting rules is not the only way. Adam Grant, father […]

How Many Rules Do You Have?

Parents, I am going to give you five seconds to answer this simple questions: How many family rules do you have currently. 5, 4. 3. 2. 1. Time’s up. If you were not able to give me a number, then you most likely have too many.  Every parent knows the importance of having rules for […]

Your Marriage is the Key to Good Parenting

Do you still remember how you and your partner met for the first time? Do you remember your first date and how you could not wait to see each other again after that? In time, there was the marriage proposal followed by the wedding. Eventually, the day came when you became mummy and daddy. One […]

Positive Mental Health = Good Relationships at Home

It has been two years since the pandemic and as we moved into the endemic phase, floods of flashbacks came back with memories of circuit breaker and the evolving social restrictions…we have indeed grown a great deal during these challenging times. As a lot of us have adapted to the new norm of living during […]

Your Child’s Meltdowns Don’t Have to Become Your Own

When my youngest child turned 4, we finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel of the much-feared “terrible twos” tantrum stage. When children are still unable to express what they want, there may seem to be more moments of frustration than joy in parenting, especially when dealing with meltdowns. With my daughter, […]

Stop Asking, “How Was School Today?”

School offers children a wide range of experiences ranging educational to social. They are experiencing what it is like to be part of a larger group, to adapt to a new culture, to make friends, relate with adults, and to change and grow as individuals.  As parents, we want all these experiences for our children […]

Conflict Management

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread globally and affected millions of people all over the world. Many families are placed under great pressure due to everyone having to stay home in compliance with social distancing measures. Your family might be people whom you love the most but living in close proximity 24-7 can be an […]

Family Life of Parents with Special Needs Kids

Being the parents of 2 young ones, we understand that parenting, though it is both fulfilling and blissful, it naturally also comes with its own set of challenges as well as potentially exhausting all your energy available. We are indeed blessed to have great family support who play an integral part in helping us jump […]

Raising siblings: How do I get my children to get along?

By Alvina Chin When she first met him after he entered the world, she planted a light kiss on his cheek. Reality only hit on his first night home with us. She quickly changed her mind about him and said: “Send him back.” My then 2-year-old soon discovered that her little brother came with a […]