Inspiring Dads' Articles

Parenting As A Team

It was a Saturday afternoon and I turned on the TV to watch a particular show, but it was too early and the Olympics beach volleyball was in progress. I

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Inspiring Dads' Articles

How To Give Your Best To Your Children

Fathers play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of their children. Their presence, guidance, and love can leave an indelible mark on their offspring’s emotional, intellectual, and social development.

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Inspiring Dads' Articles

Stop Telling Your Children What To Do

Parents often find ourselves caught in the crossfire of conflicting parenting advice. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, as every child is unique and requires a tailored parenting

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Inspiring Dads' Articles

Solve Problems With Your Children

Parennts play a crucial role in our children’s lives, shaping their character, guiding their development, and fostering their resilience. When it comes to parenting, one approach that has gained significant

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Inspiring Dads' Articles

How You Can Speak To Connect

When parents speak to connect, they are showing their children that they are interested in their thoughts and feelings. They are also creating a safe space for their children to

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Inspiring Dads' Articles

Are You Disciplining Or Punishing Your Child ?

Punishment and discipline are two different approaches to correcting children’s misbehaviour and it is important that parents know the difference between them. Here are four key differences between punishment and

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Inspiring Dads' Articles

Connecting With Your Child Through Words

Effective communication serves as the bedrock of any robust relationship, and this principle extends to the parent-child dynamic. When parents and children engage in meaningful and constructive communication, they lay

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