The Best Mother’s Day Gift for Your Wife
Flowers, chocolates, presents, and fine dining. These are common ways that families celebrate Mother’s Day. The majority of mothers concur that while they appreciate these gestures, they are not what they really want. Here are three ideas I have for making Mother’s Day this year more special for you.
There are three things you can do to enhance your wife’s Mother’s Day experience. I’ll use the letters A, B, and C to help you remember it.
‘A’ stands for ‘acknowledge and appreciate’. Sometimes, just saying “Thanks!” isn’t enough. Praises such as “You’re the best mother in the world” may seem like flattery. When you specifically thank your wife for her motherly acts of love, it will be very heartfelt.
‘B’. Give her a blank check. I don’t mean this literally; I mean it metaphorically. Instead of assuming what your wife would like as a gift, ask her. She might want to have lunch at her favourite restaurant and then go shopping… by herself. She may also suggest a family staycation. For all you know, the best gift could be letting her binge on Netflix while you take the kids to the zoo.
Finally, ‘C’ is for having a conversation with your wife about how parenting and housekeeping responsibilities can be more equitably shared between the two of you. Mothers continue to do more unpaid work than fathers. This conversation will reassure her that she is part of a team and is not doing it alone.
So, Dads. Try doing the ABC to see if it makes this Mother’s Day more memorable and meaningful.
By Parcsen Loke, Family Life Coach, Centre for Fathering.
Food for Thought: What do you think is the significance of Mother’s Day? How can it be celebrated so that it is meaningful and memorable?