Glean from a treasure trove of parenting tips from Centre for Fathering’s expert community! These have been designed as simple reflective practices that will guide you to being a better mum, and increase the wellbeing of your children and family.

Why the “Carrot and Stick” Style of Parenting Does Not Work?
A mother decides to go to the mall with her two-year old toddler. As they walk around the mall, they spot a toy store. Inside the toy store, the toddler

Calling Time-Out to “Time-Outs”
Time outs continue to be a powerful and effective means of motivating children’s compliance through about age 11 or 12. The point of the time-out is to give a child

Blood is Thicker than Water
“Blood is thicker than water” is a 15th Century proverb that implies that family relationships are always more important that friends. It was a social norm and everyone understood that,

6Cs to Consider When Buying a Tech Toy for Your Child
Think back to the time you played at a playground. There were many different colours and shapes to stimulate your mind. The wide open spaces compelled you to run around

Play: More Than Just Fun
It has been said that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Does it only mean that Jack is bored if he does not get to play,

Six Predictors Of Divorce
In The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Dr. John Gottman lists the six things that predict divorce. This ability to predict divorce is based in part on his analysis

Book Review: Achieving Success Without Failing Your Family by Dr Paul Faulkner
A noted speaker, writer, and professor of marriage and family therapy, Dr Paul Faulkner interviewed 30 sets of parents to discover how they raised vibrant families while achieving success at

Shared Parenting Tips for Working Dads and Mums
Contemporary dual-income households face many challenges from competing priorities of work, family and busy schedules. Fathers and mothers can benefit from “Shared Parenting Approach” strategies for growing stronger spousal partnerships

Parenting Tips For Navigating the Teen Years
Here are some tips to help you navigate the teen years. The transition from child to young adult is a crucial phase as this is when he picks up the skills and attitude