“All children need their fathers, but boys especially need their fathers to teach them to become men.” – Dwayne Wade

Boys learn what it means to be a man first from their fathers before they learn from other male role models. This series is designed to equip fathers to develop their sons in five essential aspects of manhood.

#1 Emotions and Mental Health

Our emotions affect our decisions and actions more than we think. A failure to understand them is to have no control over our actions. How can fathers help their sons in this area, and what is the link between a lack of emotional intelligence and mental health?

#2 Purpose and Passion

The people with the strongest sense of purpose in life have a more resilient stress response. How can fathers help their son’s identify their purpose? What about passion? How important is it and how does one discover it?

#3 Courage and Character

Fathers want their boys to be brave and not cowards. What does it mean to be brave? Is cowardice the opposite of courage? How many kinds of courage are there and how do we teach our boys to possess such courage?

#4 Sexuality and Testosterone

What makes a man a man? How does testosterone affect him? How can fathers raise boys in a sex-crazed world?

#5 Play and Adventure

The importance of play has been underestimated by many parents. Learn how play helps in the physical, social and psychological development of your child. Fathers will also learn how they can instill a sense of adventure into their sons.

Dads who attended said …

  • “Powerful session on the difference between passion and contribution.” Mike A.
  • “Insightful sharing which causes me to reflect during and after the session” Kelvin S.
  • “Useful thoughts & tips on conversation with children.” KY Lee
  • “Meaningful and appropriate.” Kelvin L.

Zoom Sessions

Time: 10am – 11.30 am

Group Size: Minimum 10 pax

Workshop Fee: Complimentary

Online Course on Gnowbe

There is now an option for you to take the Raising Sons course online on Gnowbe. A link to the course will be sent to you by email after you have registered for it. The link will expire 14 days after the date of the Zoom session. You can access the course via a web browser using a laptop or you can download the Gnowbe app.

Workshop Fee: Complimentary

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Cancellation, Withdrawal, and Refund Policy

1. Registration for the programme closes one (01) week prior to the programme.
2. If the minimum number of participants is not fulfilled, the scheduled programme will be postponed to the next run. You will be notified of the postponement and your registration will be automatically carried forward to the next run.
3. If you are unable to attend the run you have registered for, you can either withdraw or transfer your registration to the next run, subject to the availability of space. In any case, you must inform us officially by email before the registration closes. There will not be any refund if you withdraw after the registration closes.

Please write in to us if you have any questions.

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Upcoming Events

Eat With Your Family Day

Launched in 2003 by the Centre for Fathering (CFF) and held on the last Friday of each school term, Eat with your Family Day (EWYFD)  seeks to encourage organisations to allow

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Eat With Your Family Day

Launched in 2003 by the Centre for Fathering (CFF) and held on the last Friday of each school term, Eat with your Family Day (EWYFD)  seeks to encourage organisations to allow

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Back to School With Dad

Since 2006, the Centre for Fathering has been encouraging fathers to take time out from work in the first two days of the school year to ease their children into

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Dad’s Day Out 2024

Celebrate Father’s Day at Dad’s Day Out 2024, Sunday 16th June at OCBC Square, 8:30am to 6pm! Join us in setting a record for the Most Number of Dads In

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Mum’s Day Out 2024

Mums work tirelessly day in and day out, have no days off and rarely get the appreciation they deserve. They are our unsung heroes, advocates, protectors, confidants and friends, all

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