Author Archives: Resource Team

Why Do Children Behave Badly?

Do your kids misbehave once in a while? Do you think that they will behave better if they wanted to? Dr Stuart Ablon and his team have discovered that kids do not behave well not because of a lack of willpower but because they can’t. To behave better, children need more skills, not will. Childhood […]

Parenting is Like a Video Game

Parents know how addictive video games can be. Kids, particularly boys, prefer to spend hours playing them than doing other more important tasks, like homework and exercise. Apart from the dopamine rush that kids experience while gaming, there is another aspect of video games that is not often talked about, and it is something parents […]

Inspiring Dads Video Series: Parenting Hacks

Inspiring Dads Video: What Parents Can Learn from Video Games? Parents know how addictive video games can be. Kids, particularly boys, prefer to spend hours playing them than doing other more important tasks, like homework and exercise. Apart from the dopamine rush that kids experience while gaming, there is another aspect of video games that […]

Inspiring Dads Video Series: How To Make Rules Effective?

Inspiring Dads Video: How Many Rules Do You Have? Parents have the habit of making up rules on the fly as a knee-jerk reaction to their child’s bad behaviour. It’s not wrong to have rules, but it becomes ineffective when you have too many of them. How many rules work best? Inspiring Dads Video: Don’t […]

Inspiring Dads Video Series: Parenting and Marriage

Inspiring Dads Video: The Indispensable Key to Good Parenting Do you still remember how you and your partner met for the first time? Do you remember your first date and how you could not wait to see each other again after that? In time, there was the marriage proposal followed by the wedding. Eventually, the […]

12 Organisations Recognised For Innovative HR Policies That Support Fathers

Five organisations from the public, private and people sectors have been selected as winners of the Great Companies for Dads Awards 2023. 22 companies participated in the awards this year These organisations received awards from President Halimah Yacob at the Centre for Fathering Charity Ball on 10 February 2023. They hail from industries such as […]

Inspiring Dads Video Series: Your Mental Health Matters!

Inspiring Dads Video: Don’t Man Up. Do This Instead. The world has long admired stoic men who have an endless capacity to endure pain, sufferings and hardships in life without ever complaining or showing nerves. Can strong men like these be vulnerable at the same time? Or are strength and vulnerability so incompatible that they […]

Don’t Set Rules; Set Values

Teaching children good behaviour is our duty as parents. The most common method parents use to achieve this is setting rules and punishing children when they break them. However, there is a different and better way of achieving this.  To teach children to behave well, setting rules is not the only way. Adam Grant, father […]