Author Archives: Resource Team

The Best Mother’s Day Gift for Your Wife

  Flowers, chocolates, presents, and fine dining. These are common ways that families celebrate Mother’s Day. The majority of mothers concur that while they appreciate these gestures, they are not what they really want. Here are three ideas I have for making Mother’s Day this year more special for you. There are three things you […]

Sedulang Bersama Ayah for Underprivileged Families in Chua Chu Kang GRC

On 15 April 2023, Bapa Sepanjang Hayat (DADs for Life) and Chao Chu Kang GRC organised a Ramadan event featuring breaking of fast with Dad using a Tray. The Sedulang Bersama Ayah event is organised annually by Centre for Fathering and Bapa Sepanjang Hayat. This is the first year it is being organised in collaboration […]

Why Looking at Birds Make You Feel Better?

To unwind after a stressful day at work, some will go for a drink and others go for a run. What’s your go-to method to unwind? A recent study has revealed a most unexpected way to rest and restore our overworked minds. Andrea Mechelli, a psychologist at King’s College London, was searching for answers to […]

The Argumentative Teen

Imagine that the bicycle you are riding suddenly transforms into a high-powered motorbike. After recovering from the initial shock, you would be tempted to push the motorbike to its limit and see what it can do. The same is happening in your teen’s brain during puberty. When your child enters puberty, his brain undergoes an […]

Inspiring Dads Video Series: How Dads Can Navigate The Teens Years?

Inspiring Dads Video: The Argumentative Teen Imagine that the bicycle you are riding suddenly transforms into a high-powered motorbike. After recovering from the initial shock, you would be tempted to push the motorbike to its limit and see what it can do. The same is happening in your teen’s brain during puberty. Inspiring Dads Video: […]

Maintain An Attitude of Gratitude

There are many books out there that will help you attain better health and many others that claim to bring you the secret to happiness, as well as others on having better relationships. In this video, I will share with you one activity that can unlock many benefits without having to read a single book.  […]