In celebration of Mother’s Day, some Mums (and a Dad!) got together for A Mother’s Journey – Unique through the Seasons, a Facebook Live Stream panel discussion on a mother’s journey of discovery while staying anchored in her identity.
Graced by Guest of Honour – Minister of State for Ministry of Social and Family Development and Ministry of Education Sun Xueling, the panel, chaired by Alison Lim, MUMS for Life Committee Member, discussed the journeys of motherhood and how mothers can inspire other mothers through learning and growing together, sharing experiences and resources.
The session on 2 May 2021 is brought to you by Families for Life, DADs for Life and MUMs for Life. It is a partnership between the Centre for Fathering and Gardens by the Bay, in support of Celebrating SG Women.
During her speech, Ms Sun said, “Support from families, friends, communities and various other stakeholders have been critical in helping Singapore women to progress throughout the years. We have done well but more can be done.”
She also shared that the Government launched the Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development in September 2020 to gather feedback on issues concerning women at home, workplaces, schools and the community as well as collectively explore and implement solutions that will shift societal mindsets to foster an even more equitable and inclusive Singapore.
Referring to a research paper she read, panelist Nafisah Bte Md. Ma’mun Suheimi, a mother of two shared, “It doesn’t matter whether a mother is working or stay at home. It actually doesn’t have an impact on the child. What actually creates a positive impact is the emotional stability of the mother. If a mother is happy, regardless of whether she is staying at home or working, then the children will be happy.”
Another panelist and mother of two, Shanon Ray, shared, “Looking back at my motherhood journey, when everything seems to be in chaos, is to pause and take a breath, and look at what’s not working here and how can I do things differently!
When sharing about his days when he was not an involved father, Dad panelist, Bryan Tan, CEO, Centre for Fathering said, “The kind of support that I need as a Dad today is not only the community at Centre for Fathering or DADs for Life. But its this MUMs for Life platform, and platforms such as Singapore Women’s Development because here is where I get to hear from other women and I realise what my wife says is not unique to her. I realise I cannot trivalise what I heard because these are real hurts (my wife is going through) and this is what I need to pay attention to.”