Apart from the programmes and workshops, we are also able to conduct talks on a range of topics related to fatherhood, motherhood and parenting. These talks are 1 to 2 hours in duration and are suitable for events or lunchtime talks.
The Fathering Difference: Bringing The Importance Of Fathers To The Forefront
Research tells us that the impact of fatherlessness has wide-ranging effects on children and society from emotional issues to teen pregnancies and incarceration. This talk informs fathers and mothers of the significant role fathers play at home and aims to inspire fathers to be more proactive in raising their children. Participants will leave with a greater appreciation for their fathers and be motivated to support fathers in their community.
The Transition to Motherhood (For Mums only)
Becoming a mother triggers a major decline in self-esteem and relationship satisfaction. Gain a deeper understanding of the common transitional challenges that have impact on your priorities, expectations and relationships. Learn how to better navigate the transformation as you evolve in your identity as a woman.
Big School, Big Changes: Guiding Your Child from K2 to P1
The start of primary school education can be unnerving for the child and parents. To help you navigate this significant time, join this talk based on Centre for Fathering’s Back-to-School Toolkit. This session is designed to give you practical insights and tips through the HI-FIVE approach on how to prepare and support your child as the school year kicks off.
Tweens to Teens
Research on parenting teens indicates that those with the ‘highest parental satisfaction comes from those who are more communicative with their teens’. However, it will be a challenge to be more communicative with our teens if this relationship is not cultivated from when they are young. This talk covers the developmental stages from infancy to adulthood to equip parents with a better understanding of what their tween-agers are experiencing and how to respond in a way that nurtures their relationship.
Raising Courageous Children
It is natural for parents to be protective of their children. We have good reasons to want them to be safe. But how well are we preparing our children to live courageously in a tough reality? Discover the three ways parents get in the way and find out how you can help grow their resilience to bravely face the challenges in life.
Parenting in the Digital Age
In today’s digital world, technology plays a significant role in our daily lives and children are growing up surrounded by it. As parents, we often worry about the impact of technology on our children. Join us for an engaging discussion on navigating the complexities of parenting in the digital age. From understanding online platforms to fostering critical thinking skills, this session aims to empower and equip parents in their digital parenting journey.
Plugged in: Connecting With Your Digital Child
As parents, we often worry about the impact of technology on our children. However, it’s essential to recognise that technology can also be a powerful tool for learning and development. Through this workshop, we will explore why technology is beneficial for our children and how we can connect with them in the digital realm. Learn insights on how to strengthen relationships with our children in their digital activities. Topics include understanding your digital child, connecting with your gaming child, setting boundaries and role modelling.
The Gaming Dad
How do you connect with a gaming child? Listen to a father’s perspective on managing a gaming child and the impact on the family of a gaming father who loses control. This interactive session will expand on the father’s role and recommend approaches to better understand and connect with your gaming child. Be prepared to also learn how to set boundaries for yourself as a role model to your child.
Contact us to arrange for a talk at your school, community, or company today!