Teacher-in-charge of fathers@QtPSG (fathers@Queenstown Parent Support Group), Mr Tan Cheow Seng (left), relates to us the joy of working with dads at Queenstown Primary School (QtPS) to promote father-child bonding. fathers@QtPSG also known as “Fathers’ Club” is led by an organising committee that constantly comes up with new programmes and activity ideas.

At Queenstown Primary School, I have been much blessed to work with a core group of men who believe in the importance that fathers play in their children’s lives. As a dad of two adult sons, I can testify to the positive experience of bonding with them in their growing up years.
I can see the strong camaraderie among the fathers. I learn from them as they share about the joys and challenges of managing their children, and coping with the stresses the children face at home and in school. I am extremely impressed by their enthusiasm and willingness to contribute their skills, resources and time to organise monthly programmes for the children.

Fathers who benefit from the programmes, volunteer to organise future programmes. This keeps the club going strong.
The children are proud that their dads serve in the fathers@QtPSG organising committee and help to put together interesting programmes. These dads really provide good role-modelling for their children.
Their involvement also translates into better rapport with the school and other parents, together with a clearer understanding of school and Ministry of Education policies. In turn, the dads help to explain the rationale behind the policies to other parents. There is a sense of ownership in the school among the dads which is so crucial to the socio-emotional well-being of the pupils. It becomes easier for the school to tap on the fathers’ help and support when necessary.
I also enjoy the informal meetings and fellowship among the fathers when we meet to plan activities. I like their easy working style. They always encourage fellow dads to allow the mums to have the free time and space to do their own things when the children are engaged in the fathers@QtPSG activities.

Hear the voices of some QtPS kids!

“Fathers let us have free play at the camps or outings. They are more willing than mums to let us try and experience adventurous stuff, such as rock climbing and negotiating the High Elements obstacle course. We overcame our fear of heights together. This gives us self-confidence. When we overcome the challenges together, it helps us to feel closer to them.”
“Dads are more fun as they let us do things by ourselves and we get less scolding.”
“I was afraid of heights and I cried when we were doing the canopy walks. But Dad held my hands and encouraged me to take the first step.”

And here’s what some of the dads had to say!
“Thanks Mike and team (the organising committee) for all your time and effort helping our children bond with us.”
“I’d like to thank the organising committee for putting together this wonderful camp. This gave me an opportunity to get to know and bond with my son. And, let’s not forget those daddies who constantly helped out during the two days. You guys were simply awesome!”
“Thanks for another fantastic camp. Really enjoyed it and found it memorable. Thanks to every father and child for your enthusiasm, team work, and high energy levels.”
“A very unique experience for my son and me. QtPSG rocks!!!”

Photo credits: Queenstown Parents Support Group (PSG) Website and Queenstown PSG Facebook Page
Also read: fathers@QtPSG