Inspiring Dads Articles
Glean from a treasure trove of fathering tips from Centre for Fathering’s expert community! These have been designed as simple reflective practices that will guide you to being a better dad, and increase the wellbeing of your children and family.

Fathers As Coach – A Useful Paradigm for Parenting Teens (4/9)
Now that we have addressed the foundations of coaching, we can now talk about the coaching process. One helpful approach to coaching our teens is to focus on solutions and not

Fathers As Coach – A Useful Paradigm for Parenting Teens (3/9)
The third foundation for coaching our teens is that as fathers we need to be available and approachable. You would notice that teenagers spend less and less time with their parents. Some even

Fathers As Coach – A Useful Paradigm for Parenting Teens (2/9)
Last week we addressed the first foundation of being a good coach to our teens “that we are the best parents for them”. The next foundation of good teen coaching

Fathers As Coach – A Useful Paradigm for Parenting Teens (1/9)
Many fathers find themselves suddenly helpless in parenting their teens. What had worked in their parenting approach to their children are no longer helpful when they become teenagers. When children

Fathering Decisions For The New Year
Strong families are intentional. They do not happen by chance. Beginning of the year is a great time to make certain fathering decisions that will help you build healthy families. Decide

Family Types
Although every family is unique, there are significant similarities between all families, there are three characteristic types or patterns that are observable: Autocratic, Permissive and Nurturing family types. The Autocratic

Family Rules (2/2)
By Wong Suen Kwong, Centre for Fathering Rules make it possible for us to live in communities without getting in each other’s way or violating each other’s rights and boundaries.

Family Rules (1/2)
Human beings are rule makers and rule followers. Rules make it possible for us to live in communities without getting in each other’s way or violating each other’s rights and

Just Time
Anthony Yeo, the late “Father” of family counseling in Singapore, once deposited a timeless nugget of wisdom in my life some eon back. He said kids don’t really understand “quality”