How do you connect with a gaming child? Listen to a father’s perspective on managing a gaming child and the impact on the family of a gaming father who loses control.

This interactive session expands on:

  1. The role of the father
  2. Understanding your gaming child
  3. How to connect with your gaming child
  4. The gaming dad – how to set boundaries for oneself and be a role-model to your child


Date: To be announced

Time: To be announced

Duration: 1 hour

Group Size: Minimum 30 pax

Cancellation, Withdrawal, and Refund Policy

1. Registration for the programme closes one (01) week prior to the programme.
2. If the minimum number of participants is not fulfilled, the scheduled programme will be postponed to the next run. You will be notified of the postponement and your registration will be automatically carried forward to the next run.
3. If you are unable to attend the run you have registered for, you can either withdraw or transfer your registration to the next run, subject to the availability of space. In any case, you must inform us officially by email before the registration closes. There will not be any refund if you withdraw after the registration closes.

Please write in to us if you have any questions.