Redefined takes mothers through the evolution of our identity over time, the key influences that have an impact on our sense of worth and strategies to support our well-being.
Becoming a Mother
After becoming ‘mum’, have you ever felt lost in your sense of identity? The unique identity of a woman in her role as wife and mother evolves as she rediscovers herself in motherhood. Gain insight into transitional challenges and be empowered by learning how to better navigate the transformation of your new full self.
Renewing Your Self-worth
If being a mum is hugely celebrated, why do some mums struggle to feel good about themselves? Becoming a mother triggers a major decline in self-esteem and relationship satisfaction. Identify some of the key influences on your sense of worth and discover ways to renew it.
Navigating Your Mental Maze
A study has confirmed that women overthink more than men do. What can be done to ensure that we do not spiral into a destructive state of hyper self-focus? Learn to recognize the common ways you fall into mind traps and equip yourself with strategies to tackle them.
Dealing with Your Emotions
By understanding and managing our emotions first, we can then model healthy ways of coping with feelings and guide our families through theirs. Gain a deeper understanding of the healthy and destructive nature of mum guilt and stress, and learn how to better manage our emotions.
Discussions will provide spaces for mums to interact, reflect on and share what they’ve learnt together.
Mums who attended said …
- The segment on redefining my identity was very helpful. – Nur Maria.
- It really helped me to be able to share experiences as a young mum and feel not alone or judged for feeling things. – Sheiela J.
- This session has allowed me to know more about myself as well as understand things from different perspectives. – Vivien T.
- The session helped me to be aware of what could be hindering me from growth and moving forward. – Florence C.
Dates: To be announced
Time: To be announced
Duration: 4 sessions x 1.5 hours
Group Size: Minimum of 10pax
When the minimum of 10pax is not met, the workshop will be postponed.
Cancellation, Withdrawal, and Refund Policy
1. Registration for the programme closes one (01) week prior to the programme.
2. If the minimum number of participants is not fulfilled, the scheduled programme will be postponed to the next run. You will be notified of the postponement and your registration will be automatically carried forward to the next run.
3. If you are unable to attend the run you have registered for, you can either withdraw or transfer your registration to the next run, subject to the availability of space. In any case, you must inform us officially by email before the registration closes. There will not be any refund if you withdraw after the registration closes.
Please write in to us if you have any questions.