Celebrating Fathers 2020 Goes Online
In light of the COVID-19 situation in Singapore, the Celebrating Fathers movement took place entirely online – featuring a campaign to appreciate Dads for everything they are doing for their

Dads Rising to COVID-19 Challenges
Many fathers out there are rising to the challenges of working from home and engaging their children who are at home on home-based learning during the circuit breaker. Daryl Sung,

DADs for Life Turns 10
On November 19 ten years ago, Singapore’s very own fathering movement, DADs for Life, was launched on International Men’s Day. To commemorate the beginning of what has since grown into

A Tortoise and The Mountain Inspires Perseverance
Mr. Lim Soon Hock’s fifth charity book, A Tortoise and The Mountain, is based on his experience climbing Mount Fuji, hiking up Tiger Nest in Bhutan and trekking in the

Cooking, Boating, Jamming with DAD at Malay Muslim Fathering Month
Since 2016, Bapa Sepanjang Hayat (DADs for Life) has encouraged active fathering among the Malay Muslim community, providing workshops for fathers to learn how to become a better dad and

Swinging for Charity
In the game of golf, the trait that we players strive for above all is consistency. To achieve consistency, we tinker with our fundamentals of technique, rhythm and mental focus.

A Memorable Weekend at Pulau Ubin
Pulau Ubin is Singapore’s remaining hinterland, her last real kampong (‘village’ in Malay) and Singaporeans should rush to see it before it is pushed into oblivion by progress and development.

Deepening Outreach to the Indian Community
DADs for Life kicked off Appa Valnaal Uravu (AVU) to better engage the local Indian community early this year. Appa Valnaal Uravu, which translates to “Dads life-long relationship” aims to

Families Bond through Prison Outreach
In 2018, DADs for Life engaged 120 incarcerated fathers and their families through equipping classes and outreach activities that were held in the Singapore prisons. These fathers were equipped through