Why become a Great Company for Dads?
Great Companies for Dads attract talented employees.
97% of working fathers would be attracted to work for a company which supports them in managing work and family commitments. – TAFEP-ST Survey 2018
Great Companies for Dads have highly productive employees because they make family enrichment programmes available and accessible to their employees.
Landmark studies by Greenhaus and Powell (2006) have found that family enrichment is an effective solution to work-family conflict. Family enrichment includes workshops that helps the employee in his or her role as a spouse and a parent.
63% of working fathers with young children say that they would consider leaving a company if there is a lack of work-life programmes. – TAFEP-ST Survey 2018
Great Companies for Dads have a high utilization of their family-friendly policies, such as the Paternity Leave, due to the supportive culture in the workplace.
Two-thirds of eligible fathers did not take any paternity leave last year…The take-up rate for paternity leave was 35 per cent last year, compared with 53 per cent in 2017. – ST 6 Aug 2019
Employees are more encouraged to take advantage of family-friendly policies when they feel supported by the organization. – Clark 2001
Great Companies for Dads empower women.
Women do 4 times more unpaid care work than men in Asia. The report says that unpaid care work is the main barrier preventing women from getting into, remaining and progressing in the labour force. – International Labor Organization
There will be a more equitable division of labour at home, thus enabling wives to pursue their career aspirations when fathers are encouraged to do more at home.
Ways to become a Great Company for Dads
- Participate in the Eat With Your Family Day initiative.
- Organise a lunch time talk
- Start a Father Group (What’s that?) in your workplace
- Create a supportive culture for fathers in the company
- Make our programmes and workshops available to your employees
- Donate to us
- Like our Facebook page
- And more