Vision: Turning the Hearts of Fathers and Children Towards Each Other
Mission: Inspiring Fathers to Strengthen Families
Centre for Fathering (CFF) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2000 to promote active and involved fathering in Singapore. The organisation turns the hearts of fathers and children towards each other by inspiring and activating fathers to strengthen families. We activate men and women to become effective fathers and mothers for their children.
Over the past 25 years, CFF has equipped more than 70,000 fathers through programmes and workshops conducted in schools, prisons, religious organisations and companies. And since 2021, it has also reached and supported over 8,000 mothers. The organisation also runs nation-wide campaigns such as Celebrating Fathers, Mum’s Day Out, Back to School with Dad and Eat With Your Family Day.
CFF is proud to announce that we have been awarded the Charity Transparency Award in 2022, 2023 and 2024! The Charity Council introduced the inaugural Charity Transparency Awards in 2016. The CTA recognises charities with good disclosure practices that the Charity Transparency Framework recommends.

In 2009, Singapore’s nation-wide fathering movement DADs for Life was founded to inspire and mobilise fathers to become more involved and a good influence to their children through ACT:
- Be Aware of the importance of a father’s role ̣
- Commit to be good fathers and role models to their children ̣
- Spend Time, acquire Tools and bring Transformation to lives
CFF has helmed the DADs for Life movement since 2015.

On Mother’s Day in 2019, DADs for Life partnered with a group of mother volunteers to launch a national ground-up movement – MUMs for Life to complement the work of DADs for Life. MUMs for Life celebrates a Mum’s identity as daughter, woman, wife and mother.
Mums and Dads play complementary roles in parenting. MUMs for Life aims to help Mums become confident in their unique identity and multiple roles so that they can better nurture our children and encourage Dads in building a stronger family in an increasingly complex world.
- Back To School With Dad encourage fathers to make a commitment to accompany their children to school at the start of the new school year.
- Celebrating Fathers, which takes place in June each year, is a month-long series of activities to celebrate the role of fathers and raise awareness of the importance of active fatherhood.
- Connecting The Generations initiates flavourful interaction to build extended family relationships as essential resources for families.
- Eat with your Family Day takes place four times a year on the last Friday of each school term. The initiative encourages organisations to allow employees to leave work early at 5pm to enjoy a meal with their children and families.
- Great Companies for Dads Awards was launched in 2021 by President Halimah Yacob to recognise companies with family-centric policies and programmes that enable fathers to thrive in the workplace and empower them to be DADs for Life!
- Mum’s Day Out is a Mother’s Day initiative which aims to celebrate, recognise and encourage mothers for their tireless efforts in the parenting journey.
- Mum’s Wellness provides a platform to encourage mums to give attention to their personal well-being even as they give so much in their roles as wife and mother.
- Spark Couple Conversations draw married couples to cast their focus on important conversations through seminars and workshops to scaffold their couple and family life.