Centre for Fathering Charity Golf 2022
Guest of Honour Message by Mr Edwin Tong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and
Second Minister for Law

Fathers take on different but important roles throughout their children’s lives – a playmate, a disciplinarian, a counsellor, and a friend – to help them become their best selves. Their involvement contributes greatly to their children’s social, emotional, and mental development. As a father, I value the time I get to spend with my children and my greatest joy is in seeing my girls grow into strong, confident individuals, with a care for society.
Since 2000, the Centre for Fathering (CFF) has been empowering fathers to play an active part in their children’s lives and be good role models, through initiatives such as DADs for Life, Back to School with Dad, Eat With Your Family Day and Celebrating Fathers. They have also launched MUMs for Life in 2019 with mother volunteers, a ground-up movement that supports mothers in their parenting journey.
To date, CFF’s workshops and programmes have empowered 55,000 fathers and 1,000 mothers on how they can be more effective parents for their children. Their good work does not stop just at improving parenthood journeys, but also to build a Singapore which is conducive for families.
Your donations and support will enable CFF to promote more involved fathering, support more parents in strengthening family relationships, so that our future generations may grow up with confidence, resilience, and positive values. Together, we can build a caring and better home for all.
Thank you and have an enjoyable time at the event.