Category: Stories of Inspiring Dads & Mums

Stories of Inspiring Dads & Mums

Meet Yuen Chee Onn

Yuen Chee Onn is the Centre for Fathering-Dads for Life’s (CFF-DFL) Head of Engagement and Outreach. He and his wife Eileen have a son, Daniel (28 years of age), two daughters Deborah (26), and Denise (25). For 20 years of his career life, he worked primarily in the banking industry. At age 45, a heart

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Stories of Inspiring Dads & Mums

Eruandee and Nooraini – Partners in Life

Mr CP Eruandee Prayitna’s eyes light up at the mention of his family. A dad of three, Eruandee (43), better known as ‘Wan’, is Deputy Head of Engagement and Outreach at Centre for Fathering–Dads for Life (CFF-DFL). His work is to encourage active fathering in Singapore’s Malay-Muslim community. His wife, Kindergarten Teacher, Nooraini Bte Md

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Stories of Inspiring Dads & Mums

Bryan Tan – Invested Dad

Bryan Tan is the new CEO for Dads for Life and the Centre ror Fathering. The story of his evolution as a dad is an inspiration to all dads who want to grow their relationship with their children. Bryan Tan, a Senior Officer in the Singapore Armed Forces, entered into early retirement from his full-time

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