Author Archives: Parcsen

Co-parenting After A Divorce

“Jane, daddy will not be staying with us any more.” That’s simply saying “We’re getting a divorce!” For some time now, the home that was once a sanctuary, was noticeably becoming more like a war zone with no place of refuge. She is caught up in a cross-fire of scorn and animosity. Soon, though she […]

Hope for the Busy Father

Every father would want to be involved with their children’s lives and spend as much time with them as possible. But not every father is privileged to have a lot of time on their hands. Work demands and business trips can easily crowd out equally important activities such as family time. As a result, every […]

More Than One Reason To Read To Your Child

Mums and dads read to their children, but they do it differently from one another. A study from Harvard University in the US maintains that children reap more benefit if they are read to by their fathers as mothers tended to ask ‘teacher-like’, factual questions, whereas the dads tend to favour more abstract questions which […]

How New Parents Can Maintain Intimacy With Each Other

Our youngest child is nothing like the two before her. She has an independent streak but at the same time will not leave our sides. Literally. Whether we are walking, sitting or lying down in bed, she insists on being in between mummy and daddy. This went on till she was about three years old. […]

What Can Parents Do About Mental Health

  News like this is a worry for most parents. “Will my child develop mental health problems? What can I do about it? Will they tell me if something is going on?” We know that it is impossible to protect our children from every single thing, especially as they become teenagers and seek greater independence. […]

Fatherhood Benefits Fathers Too

Traditionally, the father has primarily been a breadwinner: he works hard at his job to financially support his family. He is also a hero to his children, and a model of masculinity to his boys. By the end of the twentieth century the scope of fatherhood had expanded to include involvement. The “involved father” is […]

Book Review: Parenting from the Inside Out

When we become parents, we bring with us issues from our own past that influence the way we parent our children. Experiences that are not fully processed may create unresolved and leftover issues that influence how we react to our children. These issues can easily get triggered in the parent-child relationship. When this happens our […]

Happy Wife, Happy Father

For years, husbands have been stuck with the mantra “happy wife, happy life” because nothing rhymes with husband. The closest anyone has ever come was “happy husband, stuff gets done.” Some have suggested to replace the old, tired, gendered “happy wife, happy life” mantra with the much more postmodern “happy spouse, happy house.” No doubt, […]