Welcome to our Ask the Experts videos where we talk to experts to who share their tips for topics related to parenting, children and many other matters affecting parents! Click on the titles below to view the videos.
Valerie Oh, Therapist, Counselling and Care Centre
Managing Stress and Anxiety in Children
What is stress?
What are the sources of stress?
When stress become bad
Indications of children under stress
Effect of stress on body and brain
Helping children cope with stress
Ang Xinying, Senior Psychologist, Counselling and Care Centre
Managing Depression in Children
What is depression?
Factors leading to depression
Signs of depression in children
Supporting depressed children
Detecting suicidal ideation in children
Giving our children hope
Elijah Sim, Senior Therapist, Counselling and Care Centre
How Does Divorce Impact Children?
Emotional price children pay for parents’ divorce
Damage before the divorce
Setting the right temperature at home
What is Parental Alienation?
Two Homes One Childhood
How to prevent Parental Alienation?
Adelyn Lee, Accredited Play Therapist, Play Therapy International (PTI); Founder, Pandora Box Play Therapy
What is play therapy?
Muhammad Bin Kamit, Founder, Let’s Learn Outside
Play is Learning
Dr Mary Chong, Assistant Professor and Clinical Dietician, National University of Singapore
Nutrition for mothers and children
Dan Tang, Founder and Principal, KidStartNow
Learning and Loving the Chinese Language
Michael Chia, Professor of Paediatric Exercise Science, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University
Digital Device Use For Pre-Schoolers
Staying Fit After 40
Jim Rogers, Financial Commentator, International Investor, Adventurer and Father
Lessons on Life and Investing
Abbas Hamzah, Founder, EduDebt
Owe Money Pay Money
Patrick Tan, Founder, CEO, Fortis Law
Why You Need A Will?
What is a LPA and Why You Need One?
Dr June Lo, Assistant Professor, Centre for Sleep and Cognition, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Adolescents and Sleep
Carol Loi, Digital Literacy Educator and Her Daughter Nicole Soh
Developing Mental Toughness
Esther Han, Breastfeeding Counsellor
Supporting the Nursing Mum
Rinie Gupta, Certified Child Sleep Consultant
How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night
Josh Ng, Clinical Certified Sleep Technologist
Managing Sleep Apnea