Marriage is a partnership and men can become even better fathers with their wives’ support. Mums and Dads play irreplaceable and complementary roles in parenting. That is why DADs for Life partnered with a group of mother volunteers to launch a national ground-up movement – MUMs for Life, on Mothers’ Day 2019 to complement the work of DADs for Life. MUMs for Life celebrates a mum’s unique identity as a woman and her irreplaceable roles as a daughter, wife and mother. When Mums are confident in their unique identity and multiple roles, they can better nurture our children and encourage DADs in building a stronger family in an increasingly complex world.
Programmes for Mums, Marriage & Family Life: Join us for programmes, workshops and talks. Find out more here.
Join A Mother Group: Find out more about starting or joining a mother group in your organisation, community or child’s school here.
Volunteer With Us: Find out more here.