To build stronger father-daughter relationships, fifteen pairs of fathers and daughters took part in Detik Istimewa Bersama Ayah (Special Moment With Dad) on Sunday, 12 December 2021 from 2pm to 5pm at Asli Village,
Downtown East.
Detik Istimewa Bersama Ayah is an event of the Malay Muslim Fathering Month (Bulan Kebapaan), an initiative by Centre for Fathering and Bapa Sepanjang Hayat which aims to encourage active fathering among Malay Muslim fathers. The initiative kicked off in early September with a series of online and physical activities that take place between September and December.
Detik Istimewa Bersama Ayah, symbolically celebrates a daughter’s coming of age and highlights the irreplaceable role of her father in preparing her for young adulthood. This event is exclusively designed for fathers and daughters, aged 12 to 17 years, to connect through interactive activities, meaningful conversations and a shared commitment to each other. During the event, fathers and daughters will discover each other’s love language as well as express their love and affirm each other.
“Fathers play an important role in affirming their daughters’ identity and imparting values that will anchor them through life’s transitions and challenges. The memories created between fathers and daughters during this event will certainly be a significant and treasured milestone in their relationship,” said Mr Bryan Tan, CEO, Centre for Fathering, MUMs for Life and DADs for Life.
He added, “It is also a father’s responsibility to raise their sons to honour and respect women, by role-modelling how we honour our children’s mothers and respect our wives.”
To support fathers in their journey of building stronger relationships with their children, the Centre for Fathering was established in 2000 to address fatherlessness in Singapore. It empowers more fathers to be better role models and an enduring inspiration to their children. Each year, Centre for Fathering and Bapa Sepanjang Hayat reach 300,000 Malay Muslim fathers and family members through fathering workshops and father-child bonding activities.
Guest of honour for the event, President Halimah Yacob, said, “Fathers, you have an important role to play in your daughter’s life. Research has shown how important father-daughter relationships are. Young women who have a positive relationship with their fathers achieve more academically, have higher self-esteem and make better relationship choices. Studies suggest that loving, encouraging fathers who respond calmly when their children misbehave raise girls who have a more positive outlook.”
She added, “The young ladies in this room are growing up in a world that their grandmothers could not have imagined when they themselves were children. Women’s standing in Singapore has improved significantly over the years. Fathers play a critical role in helping us continue on this journey of a fairer, more inclusive society, where our daughters can thrive in a better age.”