In conjunction with the Year of Celebrating SG Families, Centre for Fathering (CFF) and MUMs for Life (MFL) have launched Ibu Sepanjang Hayat (ISH) [MUMs for Life for the Malay Muslim Community], at MUMs Day Out event – a joint mothers’ celebration by MFL and Families for Life (FFL) on Sunday, 8 May 2022.
Minister of State for Social and Family Development, Sun Xueling, witnessed the launch as Guest-of-Honour and took part in craft activities alongside families.
Ms Sun said: “This year’s Mother’s Day has been made extra special with the launch of ISH to support mothers in the Malay Muslim Community. We honour our mothers for the important roles they play in nurturing children and taking care of the family but we know also that mothers cannot do this alone – spouses, extended family and community networks provide important support. It is only when everyone comes together to support the family unit that we have the best shot at developing happy, resilient individuals who can go on to live fulfilling lives and make meaningful contributions to society. This year is the Year of Celebrating SG Families, and I hope more people will join us in making the AFAM SG Family Pledge (https://go.gov.sg/celebratingsgfamilies) and show care and concern, love, respect, and commitment to our families every day.”

Supporting mothers over shared cultural and religious experiences
Founded by Malay/Muslim mums, ISH also hopes to be better able to connect with fellow Malay/Muslim mums over shared cultural and religious experiences. The ISH complements MFL’s ongoing efforts to celebrate the inspiring role a mother plays in empowering her family in partnership with her husband, while at the same time being a positive influence in her children’s life. The ISH will also partner with Bapa Sepanjang Hayat [DADs for Life (DFL) for the Malay/Muslim Community] to form a collaborative community where members of both groups can offer new perspectives and discuss the ways parents can be better supported.
Rahayu Ahmad Asi, co-founder of ISH said, “We believe that a mother’s journey begins with herself as an individual armed with strong values, inner resilience and clear goals. Only when a mother capitalises her strengths to the fullest, will she be able to inspire fellow mothers and support her family. It is a tough journey but with a community of mothers to support her, it will be achievable. ISH aims to do just that – providing a platform for mothers to come together – sharing, supporting and forming a collaborative community.”
MUM’s Day Out brought over 400 families together over family bonding activities on 8 May, from 11am to 6pm at the National Museum of Singapore. Mothers also received a celebratory gift bag.
This year’s event was also special as beneficiaries from three organisations – Babes, aLife and Daughters of Tomorrow, have joined in the celebrations with their families. These beneficiaries champion the cause of mothers who face even more trying circumstances as single parents and as families with persons of disabilities. Nonetheless, strong support from the community as well as their personal resilience have empowered these mothers to work, care for and raise their families.
“This year, our theme of “Family Passage – Thriving through the Seasons” serves to encourage all families to celebrate mothers for her contributions in keeping the family close and resilient during this global pandemic. Our event ‘MUM’s Day Out commemorates Mother’s Day in support of the Year of Celebrating SG Families. Through this family celebration, we honour mums for their roles in raising strong families in partnership with Dads, says Mr. Bryan Tan, CEO Centre for Fathering, MUMs for Life and DADs for Life.
Mr. Ishak Ismail, Chairman of FFL, said: “We are pleased to partner MUMs for Life in today’s event to honour all mothers and to show them the love and respect they deserve. It is important to build resilient families as they are the building blocks of Singapore society and we are happy to work closely with CFF to empower fathers and support mums to become the parents their children need.”
For more information on the ISH and how to sign up as a member, visit https://www.facebook.com/ibusepanjanghayat.